Our Center
The Cal Poly Metabolomics Service Center (CP-MSC) is a fee-for-service, core analytical chemistry lab launched by the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Science (CAFES) in partnership with the Sponsored Programs office of Cal Poly Corporation.
We offer a suite of quantitative and semi-quantitative small molecule detection methods to match the diverse research interests of our collaborators. Services are available at standardized prices and include an initial consultation, sample processing, analysis, and biological interpretation assistance. We are continually developing new methods and we welcome the opportunity to customize existing methods to best fit client needs.
Analyses are performed primarily by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)-mass spectrometry (MS), although UPLC-diode array detection (DAD) is also used.
Semi-Targeted Assays
Semi-targeted UPLC-MS method in development to identify over 200 metabolites. Metabolites captured to include a variety of the cell membrane lipids and lipid mediators. These include different types of' phospholipids (e.g. PC, PE, PI, and PG), lysophospholipids (e.g. LPC and LPE), and sphingomyelins.
Targeted Assays